The Role of Workplace Conflict Management


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Conflict management in the workplace is an imperative skill for both leaders and managers in order to maintain a productive work environment, and maximise both the happiness and and high level of work from employees.

This article will break down some of the impacts of unmanaged conflict in the workplace, exploring the possible consequences on both the people in businesses as well as the overall results of the business output. It will then break down how effective conflict management can contribute to a healthier work environment. 

The article will finish with some effective strategies that managers and business leaders can employ for effective early conflict management.


What are Workplace Conflicts?

Before exploring the ins and outs of conflict management, it’s essential to understand what workplace conflicts are. Conflicts can arise due to various reasons, including differences in opinions, communication breakdowns, power struggles, and personal issues amongst employees. 

These conflicts can quickly lead and contribute to a toxic work environment, reduced productivity, high employee turnover and other possible negative consequences on the company.


The Impact of Unmanaged Conflict

Unresolved conflicts in the workplace can have devastating consequences on businesses. Some of the key impacts of unmanaged workplace conflicts may include the following.

Reduced Productivity

At the very least, conflict in the workplace can be a major distraction for employees. When individuals are involved in disputes, they often find it challenging to focus on their work. May result in reduced productivity for a number of employees, not just those involved in the conflict, and so lower quality of overall performance.

Increased Stress

Conflicts at work can also be a source of stress for employees. Both the tension and uncertainty created by workplace conflicts can take a huge toll on mental wellbeing at work.

Damaged Relationships

In every business, high quality communication is key. Ultimately, this can be afforded by good relationships between employees. When conflicts are not addressed, they can lead to damaged relationships amongst team members, leading to a hostile work environment where collaboration becomes nearly impossible.

Higher Staff Turnover

In the event of badly managed conflicts in the workplace, one of the most severe consequences of unmanaged conflict may be employees actually leaving the business. In addition to loss of high quality talent, an accumulation of this will also cost businesses a lot of money in recruitment fees and staff training.


The Effects of Good Conflict Management

Effective conflict management plays a vital role in preventing and resolving workplace conflicts. The next section of this article explores how it contributes to a healthier work environment.

Early Intervention Reduces Escalation

Early intervention conflict management involves identifying conflicts at an early stage and addressing them before they escalate. This can prevent minor issues from turning into major disputes, which in turn reduces the likelihood of consequences!

Improved Employee Communication

Conflict management encourages a high degree of open and honest communication among employees. By encouraging this, employees are more likely to both find common ground and resolve their differences, as well as improve their general communication whilst working.

Overall Business Growth

A workplace that effectively manages conflicts tends to be more productive and innovative. Employees are not distracted by conflict and interpersonal issues, therefore they can focus on their tasks and fully contribute to the best of their abilities to the company’s growth.


Strategies for Effective Conflict Management

To ensure that your organisation has effective conflict management, you may consider implementing some of the following strategies.

Employee Training and Education

You should explore having employees and managers undertake training on conflict resolution techniques which may help them handle conflicts quickly and effectively. Training your managers to take a more ‘coach centric’ approach to their management may be a good start. Be sure to check out our coaching training for managers

Implement Clear Policies and Procedures

Another way to resolve conflicts in the workplace may be to employ clear policies and procedures to help address workplace conflicts. You should ensure that employees are aware of these guidelines and know how to access any resources that you provide them.

Encourage Open Communication between Employees

You should always encourage open communication between employees, allowing them to feel comfortable discussing their concerns with their managers, peers, and business leaders. Open communication is always a good idea for both conflict resolution and also overall productivity.



In conclusion, workplace conflict management is a key element of a successful organisation. By proactively addressing conflicts, encouraging open communication between employees, and providing effective training for managers, companies can create a better work environment to get the most out of their employees.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are workplace conflicts?

Workplace conflicts are disputes or disagreements that can arise in a professional setting due to differences in opinions, communication breakdowns, power struggles, or personal issues among employees. These conflicts can negatively impact the work environment and productivity.

What are the key impacts of unmanaged workplace conflicts?

Unmanaged workplace conflicts can lead to reduced productivity, increased stress among employees, damaged relationships within teams, and higher staff turnover. These consequences can harm both employees’ general wellbeing as well as overall company performance.

How does effective conflict management contribute to a healthier work environment?

Effective conflict management contributes to a healthier work environment by promoting early intervention to prevent escalation, improving employee communication, and optimising overall business growth through creating a more productive work environment.

What strategies can be implemented for effective conflict management?

Strategies for effective conflict management may include providing conflict resolution training for employees and managers, implementing clear policies and procedures to address conflicts, and encouraging open communication between employees and leadership.

How can early intervention in conflict management benefit the workplace?

Early intervention in conflict management helps identify and address conflicts at an early stage, preventing minor issues from escalating into major disputes. This reduces the likelihood of negative consequences such as decreased productivity and damaged relationships in the workplace.

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